how to paint a cedar fence

How to Paint a Cedar Fence: Your Guide to Painting a Cedar Cence

Whether you’re revitalizing an existing fence or building a fence from scratch, you may be wondering…can you paint cedar fence boards? Yes! While we love the naturally beautiful hue of cedar, some individuals decide that painting cedar fence boards is a better approach for their home. 

We’re here to empower you with tips on how to paint a cedar fence, including our advice on the best paint for cedar fence boards and an overview of the process from start to finish.  

If you’re starting from scratch, remember that we offer the finest pickets for a cedar fence in Austin or a cedar fence in San Antonio, ensuring your fence not only stands out but endures. Otherwise, if you’re ready to learn how to paint cedar fencing, continue reading below! 

Can You Paint Cedar Fence Boards?

Cedar is a popular choice for fencing due to its natural resistance to decay and insects. There is also something to be said about the stunning natural red hue of cedar, which looks amazing as is.

But maybe you have a unique vision in mind for your property. Or, perhaps your cedar is old and weathered and you were considering paint as a form of cedar fence restoration. Either way, you’re wondering – can you paint cedar fence boards?

When it comes to painting, cedar is indeed a suitable candidate. However, there are specific considerations to ensure a lasting finish. New cedar wood contains natural oils that can interfere with paint adhesion. 

Therefore, it’s recommended to let new cedar weather for a few weeks to several months to reduce the oil content. We’ll talk more about this later on. 

Is Painting a Cedar Fence Worth it, Though?

Deciding whether to paint a cedar fence is not just a matter of feasibility but also of value and aesthetics. Painting offers several benefits. 

Firstly, it provides an additional layer of protection against the elements, such as UV rays and moisture, potentially extending the life of the fence. Learn more about how long does a cedar fence last in our blog.

Secondly, painting allows for customization in terms of color, enabling homeowners to match their fencing with their home’s exterior or landscaping design.

However, it’s important to consider the maintenance aspect. A painted cedar fence may require periodic repainting or touch-ups every few years, depending on the climate and exposure to elements. 

Also, once you decide to paint, returning to the natural wood look is a labor-intensive process, as it would involve stripping the paint and sanding the wood. This is not something you can undo, so you need to be certain in your decision.

Another factor is the natural beauty of cedar. Painting will cover the wood’s natural grain and color, which are often desirable for their rustic, warm aesthetic. 

If maintaining the natural appearance of cedar is important, staining might be a more suitable option as it enhances the wood’s innate characteristics while still providing protection. 

Read more about this in our guide on sealing cedar fence boards. For now, let’s talk about what paint to use on cedar fence boards.

What Paint to Use on Cedar Fence: The Best Paint for Cedar Fence Boards

Perhaps the most important aspect of learning how to paint a cedar fence is choosing the best paint. This influences the way the final project looks, so you don’t want to take this lightly.

The choice primarily revolves around the paint’s composition, durability, and flexibility, as well as its suitability for exterior use. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of a good cedar fence paint followed by our recommendation.

Characteristics of the Best Paint for Cedar Fence Boards

The best paint for cedar fence boards is naturally breathable and doesn’t trap moisture. This characteristic is crucial for cedar wood, as trapped moisture can lead to wood rot or paint peeling​​.

You should also consider eevironmental and health safety. Some paints are formulated to contain a low level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them a safer and more environmentally friendly option​​.

The finish of the paint also plays a role. Exterior paints come in various finishes like flat, satin, semi-gloss, and glossy. Each has its strengths.

For instance, semi-gloss is durable and resists stains well, while glossy paints are highly resistant to stains and are suitable for metal fences​​. However, high-gloss paint might not be the best for a rugged wooden fence like cedar due to its tendency to highlight surface imperfections.

Why We Use Acrylic Latex Paint When Painting Cedar Fence Boards

Acrylic latex paint is often recommended for cedar wood fences. This type of paint is highly durable, flexible, and resistant to cracking, peeling, and fading, which are essential qualities for outdoor applications like fences, decks, and sidings. 

Its flexibility is particularly beneficial for cedar, as it allows the paint to expand and contract with the wood during temperature fluctuations without cracking​​.

Don’t Forget the Primer!

A good quality stain-blocking primer is crucial as it forms a base for all succeeding paint coats, whether the top coat is oil-based or latex-based​​.

Using an oil-based primer is often recommended as it offers excellent adhesion and stain-blocking abilities​​​​. 

How to Paint a Cedar Fence: Step-by-Step Guide to Painting Cedar Fencing

Now, let’s get into what you really came here for – our advice on how to paint a cedar fence to ensure a stunning, long-lasting fence. It’s a simple 4 step process. 

You’ll want to gather the best paint for cedar fence and watch for a mild day with some cloud cover but no rain ideally. When the weather is permissible, start with a bit of surface preparation. 

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Ensure your cedar fence is in the best possible condition before painting it. Start by cleaning the fence thoroughly with a mild detergent and water to remove any dirt, grime, or mildew. 

Consider using a pressure washer on older fences for a deeper clean, but be careful not to damage the wood. We have a guide on cleaning cedar fencing if you want more insights into how to get the job done safely.

Once the fence is clean, sand the surface lightly to remove any rough spots and to create a smooth base for the primer and paint. Ensure the fence is completely dry before moving to the next step.

Step 2: Priming the Fence

As we mentioned earlier, priming is critical for cedar fences, as it helps in sealing the wood and provides a smooth base for the paint. 

Use an oil-based primer for its excellent adhesion and stain-blocking properties. Apply the primer evenly using a brush or roller, covering all areas of the fence. 

Pay special attention to joints and edges where moisture can seep in. Allow the primer to dry completely, following the manufacturer’s recommended drying time, before proceeding to painting.

Step 3: Painting Techniques and Tips

Now comes the fun part – actually painting the cedar fence. Start from the top and work your way down to prevent drips and streaks. Use a brush for edges first. Then, use a roller for flat surfaces to ensure even coverage. 

Apply paint in thin, even coats to avoid drips and ensure a smooth finish. Be mindful of weather conditions – avoid painting in direct sunlight or humid conditions, as this can affect the paint’s drying and adherence.

Step 4: Drying and Additional Coats

Allow sufficient time for the first coat of paint to dry. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time. 

Once the first coat is dry, assess if a second coat is needed for better coverage and color depth. If so, apply the second coat in the same manner as the first. 

After the final coat, allow the fence to dry completely before exposing it to moisture or heavy use. Regular maintenance, such as touch-ups and cleaning, will extend the life of your paint job and keep your cedar fence looking vibrant for years. 

We’ll talk more about maintaining your painted cedar fence below.

Maintaining Your Painted Cedar Fence

While the hard work of painting a cedar fence is behind you for now, you’ll need to put in a bit of routine care to keep the fence as beautiful as the day it was initially pained.

Tips for Long-Term Care and Maintenance

You should give your fence a bit of TLC every so often. This doesn’t just preserve its beauty, but also extends the lifespan of your fence and delays the task of having to repaint.

  • Regular Cleaning: Gently clean your fence at least once a year using a mild soap and water solution to remove dirt and grime. Avoid harsh chemicals that can strip the paint.
  • Inspect Regularly: Check for signs of wear and tear such as chipping or fading paint, and address these areas promptly.
  • Trim Vegetation: Keep bushes, vines, and other plants trimmed back from the fence to prevent moisture buildup and potential wood rot.
  • Repair Damages Quickly: If you notice any cracks or splits in the wood, repair them as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

When to Repaint Your Cedar Fence

The signs of age will eventually start to show and you’ll need to repaint your cedar fence. The frequency of repainting depends on factors such as climate, the quality of the previous paint job, and the fence’s exposure to elements. Generally, a painted cedar fence may need repainting every 3 to 5 years.

Look for fading, peeling, or cracking paint, as these are clear indicators that your fence requires a fresh coat. It’s also a good idea to repaint if you notice the wood grain showing through the paint.

As we said earlier, choose a time for repainting when the weather is dry and mild. Properly preparing the surface and using high-quality paint will ensure a long-lasting finish.

Final Thoughts on Painting a Cedar Fence

That concludes our guide on how to paint a cedar fence. Painting a cedar fence is more than just a cosmetic update, it’s an investment in your property’s aesthetic and longevity. 

By choosing the best paint for cedar fence boards, preparing the surface properly, and adhering to maintenance practices, your cedar fence can become a standout feature of your home for years to come. 

And remember that you can trust Viking Fence for all things fencing in Texas. Whether starting from scratch or revitalizing an existing fence, we have the expertise and quality supplies to make your project a success. Trust Viking Fence – your partner in creating lasting beauty and durability.